Interested in Individual, Group or Creative Consulting?

Group Details

Meeting Agenda & Readings (Sample)
Clinical Mindset: Narrative Means to a Therapeutic Ends, White & Epston
Personal Career Planning: Hand Me Down Dreams: How Families Affect Our Career Paths, Jacobsen, Limbo: Blue Collar Roots, White Collar Dreams, Lubrano

Couples Counseling: Constructing the Sexual Crucible: Integration of Marital and Sexual Therapy, Schnarch
Business Career Planning: Branding & Marketing, Application workshop materials
Transference & Countertransference: Application of self understanding and clinical development
Case Presentations:

  • Select and present an anonymous case to the group, practicing clinical public speaking in a safe environment.
  • Year End Day Conference

Group Details

6 people maximum, meet via zoom for 5 months commitment.
Some in person groups may be possible depending on demand.
Jan – May, Aug – Dec. Monthly, first Wednesday (or TBA), 9:30 a.m.-12:00 a.m.
Another group can form if sufficient interest, so please inquire if interested, but unable to attend at this time.

Individual Details

Initial Consultation

Assessment, goal setting, budgeting, time organization, scheduling and in between session follow up are all addressed right off the bat. This format keeps clients from feeling overwhelmed. 5-7 follow up appointments are the norm, with time in between appointments to execute action steps. See Consultation Components.

Creative Details

While the content of the Love Sex Trust Productions business offers clinical content, it’s a creative production company.

Perhaps you are an established creative, needing helping with psychological content or character development. I love this work, let me know.

Or, you’re a therapist embarking on a creative project, a book, program, speaker’s topic, or another endeavor, and would like help or inspiration?

I’m most interested in