Our world needs intelligent, loving humans to provide enlightened, respectful refuge to those who are hurting in their hearts. Thank you for being one of those who wants to. We have the honor to work closely with client’s life stories. Identity, loss, abandonment, grief, class, love, determination and triumph are common themes, uniquely experienced.

Designed for those who want:

  • Consultation from a psychotherapist, entrepreneur, career counselor.
  • Work-Life design tools to decrease caregiver burnout and increase joy.
  • Resources improving client outcomes.
Jennifer Jones In The Office


What do you need help to do?

Sometimes you want to focus on action, other times you need time to heal and reflect. Being a career counselor and therapist, we can toggle easily between goal setting, and your underlying psychology, making your professional development consistent, richer and more satisfying.


What areas need depth?

Investing in your clinical expertise: diagnostic, case review and presentation skills, and business development skills, branding, marketing, sustainability, in a supportive, stimulating environment, makes you more effective.


What do you want to express?

Self care, while vital in practice, as a concept, has always felt limiting. A passion towards your own goals, influenced by your pain and joy, in my view, is one of the best motives an effective counselor can possess.

Focus Areas

Free Resources

How are you feeling image collage
Free Ebook: Guiding your Relationship: Deepen, Reignite/Repair, Decide
Guiding Your Professional Practice