Each partner complete separately and confidentially, return to therapist post initial appointment.
Intake Forms and Therapist Reports are not permissible in court. If you need legal documentation, consult an attorney, advocate or forensic psychological testing agency.
This intake is designed for lots of different relationship situations. It’s purpose is to help each of you gain more clarity regarding identification of the problem and rule out or detect possible deeper dynamics that could be underlying your persistent conflict and bonding patterns.
Disclaimer: Not all relationships are safe. Whether it be emotionally, physically, sexually, financially or psychologically, if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts at this time with your partner, please don’t. If you feel unsafe in your relationship, reach out privately to an individual therapist, attorney or advocate to help you organize a better alternative for yourself. Hays County Women’s Center (also Men) is the closest center with an active helpline.
Sometimes issues that have been aggravating become more clear quickly, misunderstandings corrected or resentments melted. Other times issues become more painful and confusing upon direct observation.
This intake is designed to ensure your feedback is up to date with the exposition part of the couple’s work: the why, what’s happened and how, before you form decisions on what’s next.