Excellent therapist, truly gifted. I work in the therapeutic community and have met, known, worked with, and had therapy with many many therapists. Jennifer is top notch if you are interested in getting to the root of the issue to resolve any wounds. My husband and I see her for couples therapy and our relationship has strengthened so much. I trust her explicitly with all the nitty gritty details of my life and past trauma. I feel I can speak for my husband when I say she is an excellent resource for us in our marriage. 10/10 recommend and would without question refer to all of my loved ones as well.

– Couples Client

The first thing I want to say is, thank you.

Several weeks ago, your session completely changed my life. For so long, I’ve been second guessing my perception when it came to my relationship, always wondering if I wasn’t being kind enough, compassionate enough, and loving enough. I kept telling myself, if I just give him more space and grace, he will return to me—that I’d finally be seen, heard, and loved again.

The subtle way you held me accountable in our session was life altering (for the better) and surprising. My previous encounters with therapists were never like this.

My session with you showed me the power of being held accountable by a talented therapist. After our session, I reflected on the way you listened and observed before wading through the murky waters to pull out the truth. Then, with that truth, you held us both accountable in a way that spoke to us individually. You subtly taught me how to stop bending towards his manipulations (without making him feel attacked), and it has been so empowering.

– Couples Client

I feel so fortunate to have found you among many recommendations that I received whilst researching the ‘best’ councilor to assist in attempting to reconcile my marriage of 37 years. I felt comfortable with you from the beginning and became more so as time went on. Your advice, guidance, and sometimes refereeing is a very large part of the success that my wife and I have had and continue to have in the healing of a very broken marriage. I look forward to continuing the process with your help in the future.

– Client

My sweetheart and I had several sessions with Jennifer. She made us feel at ease very quickly. Jennifer uses a “no nonsense” approach. She is empathetic, but still stays focused on the issues at hand. What I really appreciate about Jennifer is that she re-asks questions or rephrases them to encourage the client to stay focused and give and really open up honestly.

– Client

Jennifer is an excellent therapist who has a unique and thorough approach. When making a decision to see a therapist (individually or as a couple), it is so important to find someone you can trust who will hold space for you (& your spouse) without judgment. Jennifer is an experienced and skillful communicator who guides, mediates and advises with impartiality, honesty and kindness. She also provides concrete counseling tools that are fundamental for continued growth and evolution outside of therapy sessions. Jennifer is helping my soon to be ex-husband and I navigate a difficult situation with truth, integrity, and grace. We all must maneuver through difficult times in life, and sometimes these situations require professional guidance and support. I highly recommend Idealized Design Counseling, it is worth the investment in yourself and those you Love.

– Client

Meeting with you was incredibly helpful for us as a couple and me as an individual. I can’t thank you enough for working with us.

– Client

Life is pretty busy right now but that session was a hard reset for us and how we are handling the stress. It feels more like we are a team again than at odds.

– Couple

Booking individual or couples sessions with Jenn surpasses your average therapy session- these sessions are investments! Investments that will keep bringing you freedom the weeks, months, and I believe years after your session.

Jenn will help you make the most of your time in therapy, she helps you to change your life- at a foundational level! Foundations are something you can take with you, always. Your future self will thank you! For me, Jenn has helped me begin healing in foundations of sexuality, childhood neglect, childhood abuse, sexual abuse, depression management, anxiety management, and confidence. WOWZAS, now that’s worth it, y’all!

I have attended therapy for over 10 years now, so I’m well-versed in overused jargon and redundant methods. If you are like me- don’t lose hope and book an appointment with Jenn! With longer session formats, she helps you to get to the root of issues so that you can actually find FREEDOM- sometimes in the same day as your session!

My husband and I have gone through couples sessions and a couples retreat with Jenn, as well. Jenn knows what she is doing and truly does care about the trio of SEX LOVE AND TRUST! It’s evident Jenn is a seasoned professional and well-studied expert, because again, she does not use a bunch of jargon or overused methods. Jenn always has me thinking about things in a new perspective! With the couples sessions, we rarely talked about sex mechanics or “I statements”…and yet, mine and my husband’s intimacy has been consistently growing in a totally new way! Jenn helps you and your partner share about the heart of issues that later help in so many facets of your life together. To see my analytical, biologist husband respond positively to Jenn’s approach…now that’s a pleasant surprise! We both left the retreat feeling like there were no more foggy mirrors between us, again, at a foundational level.

I keep reiterating foundations, because foundations are worth your time and money, unlike quick fixes. With fitness for example, we don’t want to choose fad diets if we want long, sustainable results. Positive results over time, and at a foundational level, are what will produce the happiest, healthiest lifestyle. Jenn helps you, in these ways! She will help you to become comfortable with the timelines your body needs to heal, she provides affirmation and compassion all the way. You can do this!

Please invest in yourself and go to a session with Jenn. She’s down-to-earth, compassionate, grounded and helpful.

– Couple

Jennifer Jones is the professional therapist that will actually cultivate an awareness within you to find the strength you need to move forward. She focuses on alleviating one’s fears in a way that showcases her expansive level of empathy in addition to providing clear, concise steps for growth. I highly recommend Jennifer Jones if you are interested in an authentic and approachable process with a therapist. Because of her willingness to work alongside me I have been able reshape my mindset and set myself up for success in a way that feels secure, empowering and sustainable.

– Client

“Through infidelity, I had brought my relationship into crisis after being together with my wife for over decade.. I was nervous to see Jennifer because I thought she would see me as disgusting and encourage my wife to leave me, which is really what I felt I deserved. Instead, Jennifer was kind and empathetic towards me. I never felt judged, and she never encouraged my wife to leave me. She was agnostic about whether we should stay together or break-up. She helped us figure out what made the most sense for our relationship.

When I imagined going to couples therapy, I imagined paying a lot of money to spend the weekend doing something that was not fun. After working with Jennifer, I can say without hyperbole that couples therapy has yielded the biggest return on time and money when compared to anything else I have done in my life. After being together for over a decade, my wife and I had settled into a comfortable but somewhat lonely life together. We did things together, but we were both too scared to really open up to each other. After seeing Jennifer for three years, our relationship feels completely different. Our relationship went from being a tolerable, comfortable slog to a profound experience of love that I cherish and preserve at all costs. I could have spent money on experiences or material items to distract from the monotony of everyday life. But for me it was better spent on couples therapy. It transformed everyday life with my partner into something so meaningful that material items and experiences outside of my relationship feel comparatively boring.”

–  Male Client

“Jennifer Jones has a unique combination of humor, empathy, intuition and imagination that she combines with her extensive psychological knowledge and highly effective insight discovery methods to quickly get to the actionable truth of any situation.”

– Couple

“Jennifer Jones is great. Super intuitive – doesn’t beat around the bush. My spouse and I were seeing a different therapist for over a year and a half to work on communication and we got nowhere. We have only seen Jennifer for 3 sessions now and we have gotten further in fixing our issues than we ever have before.”

– Couple Client

“The best part was that it felt like my husband and I were getting to know each other for the first time in 11 years.”

– Retreat Participant

“It exceeded my expectations. I felt very comfortable with your style. It felt more like a conversation than a one sided confession.”

– Retreat Participant

“The best part was the follow up observations and recommendations. This could also be incorporated into the therapy sessions as a whole–both before a retreat, in place of retreat (ongoing therapy), or after (working on the most challenging areas that came up during the retreat).”

– Retreat Participant

“I am a colleague of Jennifer’s and have referred clients to her many times, both individuals and couples, who reported back to me that they were really impressed how sharp she was at helping see their issues and find a way to talk through them. She has a very keen insight, and I always know that she’s going to do good work when I send clients her way.”

– Colleague, Male

“Jennifer is a strong yet gentle personality which carries over in her work. She stands on her own with her work and is very successful. She is fairly nontraditional in her approach, which is a breath of fresh air when seeking therapy. Jennifer does not beat around the bush but she also takes time to speak to and listen to each person in the session, with caring and compassion. I believe Jennifer was of the male persuasion in a past life as she is very good at tapping in and understanding the male brain and their feelings.”

– Colleague, Female

Jennifer has a wonderful sense of humor and authenticity that put me completely at ease on our first meeting. She was able to help me understand an issue that was challenging me quickly and had me see things in a new light. She’s the best.

– Client

Jen is in a whole league of her own – she brings a unique way to connect, listen, and perceive, and the culmination of her warm personality and wisdom make for very rewarding and effective results. I would highly recommend Jen to anyone who is faced with difficult decisions in life, relationships, or career.

– Client

I first heard about Jennifer from a girlfriend of mine. My friend and her husband had gone to Jen for couples counseling and they loved her. This is the highest praise. As a therapist and coach myself, I am very picky about who I refer my friends and clients to. This was several years ago and since that time, I have met with Jennifer as colleagues, consulted on cases and have referred many friends and clients to her.
Jen loves her clients, is down to earth and very good at what she does. She is incredibly knowledgeable and great at helping people create the kind of closeness we all desire. I highly recommend Jennifer as a couples counselor.

– Client, Female